===> What is Jupiter's atmosphere made of



Surface Pressure: >>1000 bars	
Temperature at 1 bar: 165 K (-108 C)
Temperature at 0.1 bar: 112 K (-161 C)
Density at 1 bar: 0.16 kg/m3
Wind speeds
	Up to 150 m/s (<30 degrees latitude)
	Up to	40 m/s (>30 degrees latitude)
Scale height: 27 km
Mean molecular weight: 2.22 
Atmospheric composition (by volume, uncertainty in parentheses)
	Major:	Molecular hydrogen (H2) - 89.8% (2.0%); Helium (He) - 10.2% (2.0%)
	Minor (ppm): Methane (CH4) - 3000 (1000); Ammonia (NH3) - 260 (40);
	Hydrogen Deuteride (HD) - 28 (10); Ethane (C2H6) - 5.8 (1.5);
	Water (H2O) - 4 (varies with pressure)
	Aerosols:	Ammonia ice, water ice, ammonia hydrosulfide

Model GSFC-O6

Dipole field strength: 4.30 Gauss-Rj3
Dipole tilt to rotational axis: 9.4 degrees
Longitude of tilt: 200.1 degrees
Dipole offset: 0.119 Rj
Surface (1 Rj) field strength: 4.0 - 13.0 Gauss

Rj denotes Jovian model radius, defined here to be 71,398 km

Source: Planetary Sciences at the National Space Science Data Center


The atmosphere of Jupiter contains hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia, ethane, acetylene, phosphine, water vapor, carbon monoxide.

Source: WorldBook